The Power of Personal Key Messages – How to Build your Brand and Engage your Audiences
We hear it all the time: Networking is the way to getting your seat at the boardroom table and with less than 15% of board seats filled by a search firm, it's up to you to prepare your advocates with your "personal key message". A 3-
The 4 Elements of Board Development
A strong board development program utilizes best governance practices to maximize the value provided by the board to the company via strategic guidance & CEO assessment & support. A board with strong integrity will understand its leadership role at t
Understanding the Roles of Corporate Board Chairs for Effective Governance
Corporate board governance can have many players with a lot of roles. Learn what role the board chairs play and how understanding them can produce more effective governance during this webinar with board expert Howard Brownstein. Key takeaways includ
It’s All About Risk
A central responsibility of board directors is to oversee the risk management of the company. What does this entail, and how should board members perform this critical element of their fiduciary duty? Howard Brownstein, a well-known turnaround and
Power Up Your Key Messages: Selling Yourself Into the Boardroom
Startup Boards: Making Sense of Compensation
So what exactly does it mean when a startup offers you equity for a board seat? We’ll address this and other points on startup board compensation during our informative webinar session with Angela Lee.