Branding Yourself for a Corporate Board Seat 5-21-24
Join us for “Branding Yourself for a Corporate Board Seat” where we’ll cover: Strategies for developing and refining your personal brand Emphasizing authenticity and understanding your unique value proposition
Networking Your Way to a Board Seat 5.2.24
Search firms fill less than 15% of all board seats and when retained the 1st thing they do is turn to the board members and ask “who do you know”.
Fireside Chat with Howard Brod Brownstein 4.25.24
Howard brings over five decades of experience in serving on corporate boards. Throughout his extensive career, he has navigated turnaround situations, engaged with shareholder activists, and advocated for thorough board evaluations.
Artificial Intelligence What Boards Need to Know
In this interactive webinar we will discuss: What should be the starting point for boards regarding AI? Should AI be assigned to a board committee Should an outside advisor be hired How does AI affect risk management for the company
Corporate Governance During Financial Distress 12.12.23
During our webinar, we'll explore better outcomes both in bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy and the positive results of early intervention and effective planning.
How to Differentiate Yourself Through a Better Understanding of Risk 8.16.22
In this session, we’ll examine how the partnership between Women in the Boardroom and the DCRO Risk Governance Institute gives new advantages to you in your pursuit of the ideal board seat.